Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Stipulations Panel

he Stipulations panel allows users to view and maintain the conditions required to approve and/or disburse an application.

The stipulations panel displays any stipulations added through the Approve Loan screen.

The Stipulations panel contains a grid that displays all stipulations. Each stipulation is a table row that displays the associated details in the following columns:

Column Description

Displays the name of the condition that must be met before the application can be approved or disbursed.

The possible stipulations that populate in this field are defined within the STIPULATION_CODE field lookup.
Required For

Indicates the application process which the stipulations must be met prior to executing.


There are three types of stipulations that can be added in the Loan or Account Origination modules:

  • Approval – These stipulations must be met before an application can be approved.
  • Disbursement – These stipulations must be met before an application can be disbursed.
  • Documents – These stipulations must be met before an application's documents can be generated.
Other Description Displays the associated comment, if an "Other" stipulation was selected.
Added By Displays the name of the user who added the stipulation.
Met Displays a check box that indicates whether a stipulation has been met. Select the check box to indicate the condition has been met by the applicant.
Waived Displays a check box that indicates whether a stipulation has been waived. Select the check box to indicate the condition has been waived by the institution.
Comments Displays any user comments for a stipulation. Select the row and click the comments field to add a comment to a stipulation.
Date Fulfilled Displays the date the stipulation was met.
Fulfilled By Displays the name of the user who met or waived the stipulation.
Security Groups

Displays the number of security groups that can fulfill a stipulation. If the number is 0 (zero), all security groups can fulfill this stipulation. If a number > 0 populates, only the specified security group may fulfill the stipulation.

If a user belongs to a security group that can fulfill a stipulation, it populates in the "Items you can complete" section. Otherwise, it populates in the "Items you cannot complete" section.
Documents Displays  to allow documents to be attached to the stipulation if the STIPULATION_CODE field lookup has a 'Y' value in the Requires Document column. The numerical value displayed next to the Attach button signifies the number of documents currently attached to the stipulation.
Applies To

Indicates whether the stipulation applies to the approval, document generation, or disbursement of an account or loan application.

This field defaults to a blank value; however, a value of Account or Loan must be assigned to each stipulation in order to save the screen.

In addition to displaying stipulations, users are able to perform the following actions within the Stipulations panel:

Icon Description
Allows a user to add a stipulation to the application. When a stipulation is added, a row is added to the Stipulation grid.
Allows a user to simultaneously add multiple stipulations to an application.
Allows a user to edit an existing application stipulation.
Allows a user to remove a stipulation from the application. When a stipulation is deleted, a row is removed from the Stipulation grid.
When a stipulation is added to an application, a To Do is also added to the application. Once the stipulations are met or waived, the To Do is removed from the application.

Adding a Stipulations

Stipulations may be added to an application automatically via rules or manually within the Stipulations panel.


System administrators have the ability to author rules within the Stipulation category that determine the stipulations which are automatically added to an application, if the defined conditions are met. Once defined, these rules are assigned to applicable sub-products.

Stipulation rules execute when the Process Stipulation Rules action is triggered by a corresponding event. All stipulation rules assigned to the application type execute as Event Processing does not allow selection of specific stipulation rules.

If an automated stipulation has already been waived or met, it is not removed when the action is triggered

 For more information on stipulations assigned by rules, please see the Rules Management section.


Add a stipulation by clicking the Add button within the Stipulations panel. A new row is created in the Stipulations grid. Clicking within the Stipulation column populates the stipulation drop-down list. Select the desired stipulation.

To enter a user-defined stipulation, select the “Other” stipulation. When Other is selected, the Other Description column must also be completed.

After the stipulation is selected, click the Required For column to indicate whether the stipulation must be met or cleared prior to the application’s approval or disbursement.

Users may assign a stipulation to one or more security groups, thus enabling only the users in the specified group to take action on the stipulation.
Stipulations can be automatically assigned to security groups by using rules. For more information on assigning stipulations to security groups, please see the related How To Guide.

Finalize the addition of the stipulation by saving the screen.

A value for Required For and Applies to must be specified for each stipulation. If a stipulation does not contain a value for the Required For or Applies To field, a Validation error is received upon saving the screen that includes the Stipulation Panel.
In order for a user to be able to assign an Applies To value for a stipulation, the applicable Stipulation permissions must be set to Change for the user, and editability of the Application.Stipulations.AppliesToId field must also be allowed at the stage of the application.

Adding Multiple Stipulations

To add multiple situations at once, click . The Add Multiple Stipulations pop-up window appears. The Applies To drop-down in the top of the window identifies whether the stipulations are being applied for documents, or the approval or disbursement of an account or loan application. This drop-down defaults to the type of application in progress, such as Loan or Account.

When a loan application requires an account decision, and/or includes one or more account products, the Applies To drop-down defaults to a blank value and requires the user to classify the stipulations as Account or Loan by selecting an option from the drop-down list.  

Select the check boxes that correspond with the desired stipulations to add them to the application. To select all stipulations, click the check box in the top of the Add Multiple Stipulations grid.

When adding multiple stipulations to a loan application including an account decision and/or account products, stipulations must be added separately for the account and loan. For example, if Proof of Identification and Personal Reference are required for the disbursement of both the loan and account, the Add Multiple functionality must be used twice to apply the stipulations to the loan and the account separately.
Users are unable to simultaneously add multiple stipulations and assign security groups. Once multiple stipulations have been assigned, users must manually edit the security group for each condition.

Once all the desired stipulations have been selected, click OK. The selected stipulations populate in the Stipulations panel.

Editing Stipulations

Editing stipulations allows users to modify details of a stipulation. To edit a stipulation, select the stipulation from the list and click Edit.

Update the desired fields and assign the appropriate security groups.

If the editing user assigns security groups and does not belong to one of the security groups being assigned, he or she is unable to update the stipulation after clicking OK.

Once all fields have been updated, click OK to retain the changes. The window closes and the changes reflect in the Stipulations table.

Deleting Stipulations

Select the stipulation that is to be removed and click Delete.

Clearing Stipulations

When completing an application’s underwriting review process, users are able to clear outstanding stipulations by selecting the Met or Waived check boxes.

Users can only meet and waive stipulations that appear in the "Items you can complete" section.

When stipulations are Met, the Date Fulfilled and Fulfilled By columns are automatically populated with the information of the user that cleared the stipulation. Enter any supporting information in the Comments column.

Finalize clearing a stipulation by saving the screen.

Adding Documents to a Stipulation

Documents attached to a stipulation are also included in the Application Documents list that can be accessed by clicking  in the Application Workspace toolbar. If the stipulation is deleted, the document remains in the application documents list.

If documents are required to clear a stipulation, a  is displayed in the documents column. Clicking  displays a Stipulation Documents window that allows a user to browse their local or network drive to attach supporting documents to the current stipulation. Users can also view or delete existing documents from the list displayed in the Stipulation Documents window.

Within this screen, the following columns of information appear for each document:

Column Description
Name Displays the name of the document in the following format: <document name>.<file extension>.
Description Displays the description provided for the document.
Document Classification Displays the document classification.

Displays the source of the document, such API, Virtual Capture, the name of the user who attached the document within Temenos Infinity, or the name of the third party connector from which the documents were received.

For information on attaching/receiving documents for a specific connector, please see the applicable connector guide. 

Displays one of the following values to identify the Virus Scan Status for a document uploaded in Virtual Capture:

  • Exempt from Virus Scan
  • Failed Virus Scan
  • Pending Virus Scan
  • Successful Virus Scan

While this column appears in the Application Documents window for each institution, the Virus Scan functionality is specific to documents uploaded to the Document Upload or Stipulations panel in Virtual Capture, and is only applicable when the system is configured to perform a virus scan on Virtual Capture documents.

This functionality is enabled within the System tab of the Origination page in System Management by setting the Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture parameter to a value of Virus Scan, and identifying a Document Import and Export File Location. For more information, please see the System Tab section of the Origination topic in the Administrator Guide.
  • If the system is configured to perform a virus scan on Virtual Capture documents, this column displays a status of Pending Virus Scan when a document is first uploaded to the Virtual Capture application, and updates to Failed Virus Scan or Successful Virus Scan depending on the outcome of the scan performed by the institution.
  • If a document is not uploaded in Virtual Capture, or if the system is not configured to perform a virus scan on Virtual Capture documents, this column displays a status of Exempt from Virus Scan.
  • If the document is received from a third party, this column displays a blank value.

The buttons in the top of the screen provide users with the ability to perform the following functions:

Function Description

Enables a user to attach a document to the application. Clicking this button opens the Attach Document window.

Enables a user to edit the attributes of a previously attached document. Clicking this button opens the Edit Document window.
Enables a user to view a document that is attached to the application.
Enables a user to remove an attached document from an application.
Enables a user to close the Application Documents screen.

Attach Document Attributes

Clicking , or  opens a window to define the document attributes.

The following attributes must be defined for each document attachment being uploaded or edited:

Field Description
Select File

Allows users to select the desired document. Click  to locate the document to be attached within File Explorer.

This field is only available when initially attaching a document.

Once the document is attached, the document name and file path populates within this field as read-only.

Temenos Infinity supports the ability to attach documents with a maximum file size of 100 MB.

Temenos Infinity only supports the ability to upload documents including one of the following file extensions: .csv, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .msg, .pdf, .png,. rtf, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .xls, .xlsx. If a document does not include an approved file extension, has more than one period in the filename, or has a unicode character in the filename, the file cannot be uploaded to an application.

Classification Allows users to select the classification of the attached document from the drop-down list. This drop-down includes a list of the values configured for the DOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations.
Description Allows users to enter a brief statement that describes the attached document.
Display to Applicant

Allows users to indicate whether or not the attached document displays to applicants in Virtual Capture.

Whenever a document is uploaded from Virtual Capture, this field is automatically selected within the Edit Document window.

Uploading and Managing Document Attachments

The following actions are available within the Attach Document and Edit Document windows:

If a document has been sent to an optical system, a record of the document continues to appear in the Application Documents window, but the document cannot be opened. A message is received when trying to open the document to identify that the document has been archived to an optical system.

ShowAttach Document

To attach a document:

ShowEdit Document

To edit document attributes:

ShowView Document

Virtual Capture documents with a Virus Scan Status of Pending Virus Scan or Failed Virus Scan cannot be opened; therefore  is disabled when a pending or failed document is selected within the Application Documents window, and double-clicking the record returns a message to inform that the document cannot be accessed.

To view a document:

ShowDelete Document

To delete a document:



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